Clenbuterol buy online

23/11/2013 10:47

Effect and dosage of clenbuterol :
Clenbuterol is a ?2 - agonist with some structural and pharmacological similarities to epinephrine and salbutamol, but its effects are potent and long-lasting as a stimulant and thermogenic drug. It causes an increase in aerobic capacity , CNS stimulation and increase in blood pressure and oxygen transport . It increases the rate at which the body is metabolized fat, while increasing the endogenous BMR . It is commonly used properties for Smooth muscle relaxant. This means that it is a bronchodilator and tocolytic .

Clenbuterol is used if prescribed on the day usually in doses of 20-60 micrograms ( ug ) . A dose of 20 micrograms ( women) or 40 micrograms ( men) should never be exceeded in a day.

Clenbuterol is also prescribed for the treatment of horses, equine use, however, in general, the liquid form of clenbuterol.
Human use of clenbuterol :
Clenbuterol is available in some countries on prescription only , as a bronchodilator zugelassenfür Asthmapatienten.Vor recently, but as ephedrine has the drug for off-label use as a weight loss drug , similar to use of other sympathomimetic amines have been published. It is usually despite the lack of sufficient clinical examination either help or support than decrease negate such use.
Is Clenbuterol Legal?
Clenbuterol is not part of any therapeutic drug approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is now banned for IOC -tested athletes. In the U.S., the administration of clenbuterol in animals that could be used as food for human consumption is banned by the FDA.
Use as a performance enhancing drug
As a ?2 -agonists, clenbuterol has also been used as a performance enhancement drug. Cyclist Alberto Contador of Spain was positive for two years of professional cycling after testing for the banned drug at the 2010 Tour de France . He later became the title of the Tour de France in 2010 and 2011 title at the Giro d ' Italia entfernt.Allerdings found CAS that Contador Clenbuterol not take a performance-enhancing drug, but probably tested by a contaminated food supplement positive.

American swimmer Jessica Hardy tested positive in 2008 at the U.S. processes. A one-year suspension served have claimed that they unknowingly took the drug in a contaminated food supplement. Former employees of the New York Mets clubhouse Kirk Radomski in his plea deal for distributing clenbuterol zugelassenzu dozens of current and former Major League Baseball player and staff.

After fourth in the K-2 1000 m event at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, Polish canoeist Adam Seroczynski was disqualified for taking this medication , and Chinese cyclist Li Fuyu positively tested it at Dwars door Vlaanderen race in Belgium on 24 . March 2010.

Thanked 2006 San Francisco Giants pitcher Guillermo Mota, while a member of the New York Mets , a 50 - game suspension after testing positive for clenbuterol. In 2012, MLB announced that they Mota for 100 games were held once a positive test for clenbuterol suspension .

2010 was the St. Louis Cardinals and American active Lainer Bueno , a suspension 50 game for the 2011 season by testing positive for clenbuterol.

In 2011, players of the football team were found from Mexico with clenbuterol in their bloodstreams , but were acquitted of WADA , after they claimed that the clenbuterol contaminated food come from. FIFA has also claimed that 109 players from the U- 17 World Cup in Mexico tested positive for this drug because Mexican meat is contaminated.

In 2012, Canadian weightlifter Nick Roberts received tested a two -year sanction after a urine sample positive for steroids.

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