" As the Expo on steroids " _Prostitution during the Olympics

02/01/2014 14:45

On 12 February to open in Canada, the Winter Olympics , a few hours before the ski jumpers already deny their qualifying competition . Part of the German team is flying tomorrow ( 3:02 . ) To Vancouver . The first major sporting event of 2010 is in the starting blocks , and Canada has a professional group concerns : the prostitutes .

They fear that they can not meet the demand during the Games. "We were told that we will have to do 1,000 times more than we can imagine it ," Brandy Sarionder said that in
Vancouver a strip club and a massage salon operates , the Canadian newspaper Vancouver Sun , " I have a little fear that
my people get a burn-out. "

Sarionder but has made ​​provisions . She hired additional bouncers , security guards and bartenders , dancers push their extra layers , and it has extended its opening times . "This is like the Expo on steroids ," Sarionder said in reference to the operation during the World Expo . Your staff who look towards the event excited as Sarionder says she has made it clear : "This is not a sprint , it's a marathon. "

The largest strip club Vancouver wants his lust rooms olympia thematically decorate during the games - top secret , so there is no stress with the Olympic authorities. An escort service , meanwhile, has begun to employ women from abroad for the Olympic Games . Canada's largest service of its kind gets a week to the 100 applications for a job during the games. 300 to 400 dollars an hour there in the normal case for " VIP foxes " anticipates the owner of Carman Fox with $ 10,000 or more for an hour.

Dominatrix "Miss Jasmine " also expects some Europeans - particularly from the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic . " British and German are often pervert it " Meanwhile be abandoned prostitute Wanted : " Urgent Help Wanted ," reads one , " the Olympians are already here ... up to $ 30,000 possible in two weeks ... really ! "

Great emphasis is placed on safety . During the great parties and events volunteers distributed 20,000 packets of condoms, information about sex trafficking and HIV , as well as a greeting card with the inscription: " Vancouver sex -industry workers welcome the world . Please treat us with respect and play safe . "Police , meanwhile, will take care of the prostitutes. We will , as always behave otherwise than otherwise intervene , said police officer Lindsey Houghton . " One unit works closely with the girls and the boys. There was prostitution before the Games, it will give during the Games and beyond. "

More than one million visitors are expected. 2,000 prostitutes are currently working in Vancouver, this number could double for the Olympic Games . A majority of the prostitutes employed by the sex industry are " according to experts victims of human trafficking ," as the news portal " idea" writes . The Canadian Salvation Army will therefore point during the games of informational materials and personnel to the dangers of prostitution and human trafficking . Anglican and Roman Catholic bishops write in another message: " The purchase and sale of human beings undermines the Olympic spirit in the core. " They call on you to defend the dignity of every person .

" Idea" , meanwhile, reported from a published study in June - without naming the author - who predicts neither an increase nor the sexual services of trafficking. This prediction was confirmed but not - that there had also been called before the Summer Games in Greece and the Football World Cup in Germany .


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